17. Juni 2015

Fun things in free time.

Besides sleeping, watching TV and listening to music, there are few things I love to do in my free time, for example:

Painting. I never thought I could ever paint something before. So I gave it a try based on this great video. So much fun!

Read a book. And these are one of my favorite books of all time:

Youtube. Mostly I discover new music there, or just watch science video like this one from an awesome german channel:

What do you usually do in your free time?

Have a great Mid Week Day!

12. Juni 2015



It´s been 4 years and I still love this song!

Enjoy the weekend, guys!

8. Juni 2015

Sommer am Rheinfall, in der Schweiz.

Wasserfall zusammensehen... abgehakt! Und damit auch unser erstes Mal in der Schweiz zu sein.

Dieser Sommer wird noch heisser!
Und es ist immer schön, mit dem geliebten Mann die Zeit zusammenzubringen.

Hab' einen schönen Tag!

A week holiday.

He had last week holiday so we spent our time together to visit some great places and enjoy the warm weather.

Have a nice holiday!